Friday, January 15, 2010


It has officially been 4 months since this journey began. I cannot believe it! And yet, I know that I have accomplished more in the past four months than in the last four years of my life.

While I am a quarter of the way through my world tour, there are still many uncharted seas ahead. The Lord has watched over me in ways I cannot put into words, so thank you for your prayers-- I can feel them each day. Please remember me still, as I am about to go into possibly the most risky stretch of my trip, hitting 4 continents in one month-- all to places I have never before been.

Grateful for your care and support.

All my love,


Blogger Ali Campbell said...

Yeah Stacy! Hope you are doing well and blessed and learning new things about yourself and God every day! Thanks so much for your contribution! You have helped me FINISH my start-up costs! I now am focusing solely on monthly/annually giving and hope to be in Costa Rica in March/April...we'll see. When will you be in CR? I will probably miss you :( I look forward to traveling with you through your blog, though.

Thanks again so much for your support--both financial and means so much! Please let me know how I can be praying for you :) Love ya!


6:25 PM  

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