My favourite pics...
Here are just a few of the heaps of photos I've taken here. I thought I'd put some up (for your viewing pleasure) before I leave for Capetown for a week!! With the exception of the overnight safari I took last week, this is the first break I've had since I've been here. Living here really makes this a 24/7 job. You can't take nights and weekends off... because there are kids needing to be taken care of. It's like a never-ending (less entertaining) summer camp. Without being able to drive, I have rarely even left Sparrow. Dealing with such stressful issues while being trapped inside a fence is enough to make any person crazy. I'm coping with this scenario much better now, but it will still be nice to have some time off. Although, it's so hard to leave the kids. I can hardly handle leaving them for a week-- How am I going to be able to say goodbye in a few weeks?? Where has the time gone?
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