Tuesday, August 22, 2006


This week, I was accepted to Sparrow's Nest Rainbow Village. I am creating this blogsite as a way to record my journey there and beyond.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Stace - This is awesome - so so amazing. I would love to be at this place with you - you are doing a good thing. So when do you leave?? Please try to keep in touch - if ever I make a trip I would like to visit!! I will definitely pray for you and for this program.

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stacy ~~
I read with tears in my eyes. It's hard enough to hear of the children calling you "Mama", but when they ask right from the start "When are you leaving?", that really gives me a chill. I can only imagine what it does to the Lord when He hears that.


7:48 AM  

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